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Lemon Squeeze lámpara de pared, double

4.599 kr
La lámpara de pared Lemon Squeeze doble evoca un encanto nostálgico con su distintiva combinación de vidrio ondulado y detalles metálicos esculturales, mezclando la elegancia... 
ColourPlated brass
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The Lemon Squeeze Collection creates light that feels light and endless. The straight, uninterrupted rays are so subtle they seem almost invisible, softly brightening every moment of the day and night.

Detalles técnicos

Tiempo de montaje

20 min


Long: 94 × 18.5 × 16.2 cm
Short: 77 × 18.5 × 16.2 cm


Long: 3.8 kg
Short: 3 kg


Steel, glass and PMMA

Technical drawing of Lemon Squeeze | lámpara de pared, double

Especificaciones luminosas

Fuente de luz

2 × GU10 - max 15W LED (not included)

Compatible with Focused Idea (not included)

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